ECC Wedding Venue

5 (1 users)
Whitefield, Nallurhalli, 560066, Bengaluru, Karnataka

Venue Highlights

₹600 - ₹900
250 - 1000
1 - 18
Approx 250
₹0 - ₹0

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250 seating | 500 floating
500 seating | 1000 floating

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ECC finds a perfect balance between traditional and ultramodern conceptions. It is popular for open-air events and programs. The venue is veritably beautiful and well-kept. They set it in a graphic harmony of comfort and luxury. It is located at the heart of the city, near the city's business district. The venue is popular for open-air events and programs. They offer you unmatched hospitality with world-class service and modern facilities. They are proud of the facilities that they offer and the beautiful venue with an astonishing view. Ecc Wedding Venue makes every event so special that the clients cherish it for a long time. They also offer you a wide range of menu choices to choose from. They have numerous menu options that will surely satisfy the taste of everyone. 

They provide their clients with the best hospitality services and the best-curated venue. Ecc Wedding Venue provides the best catering and decor settings to match your claimed theme.

Capacity:- They have two halls and one lawn which can accommodate your family and friends. And have around 45 rooms. It can accommodate about 1200 people.

Pricing:- The average price of a room is 1000. The price varies according to services, but the deals they offer are not to be missed.
Veg (250 per plate)
Non Veg(300 per plate)

Amenities:- Air-conditioned halls, DJ, Alcoholic Beverages

Best suited for:- Organize family gatherings, reunions, and weddings.

Location: You can reach this venue through your own transportation or public transport. It is located in Whitefield near the picturesque Nalurahalli Lake. The nearest bus stop is the Whitefield Bus Stop. The nearest railway station is KR Puram railway station.

Parking space:- Yes, they provide parking space for the guests.

Venue policies

No changing room provided by the venue.
50% at the time of booking.
Valet provided by the venue.
No alcohol allowed from outside the venue.
They don't allow late music.
No ample parking.
No overnight wedding allowed


Q1. Does Ecc Wedding Venue allow small-size gatherings?
Ans. Yes, they allow small-size gatherings. 

Q2. What Ecc Wedding Venue is the policy of catering?
Ans. They provide in-house catering services for their clients.  

Q3. Does Ecc Wedding Venue allow outside decorators?
Ans. Yes, they allow outside decorators to beautify their venue for the clients.

Q4. Does Ecc Wedding Venue allow outside DJs?
Ans. Unfortunately, they do not allow outside DJs as they provide an in-house DJ for their clients.

Q5. Does Ecc Wedding Venue allow outside alcohol?
Ans. They provide in-house alcohol for their clients.