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Islami Baitul Mahal
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Islami Baitul Mahal in Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore
Islami Baitul Mahal in Bangalore is a mid-size banquet space for family functions and cultural gatherings. This function hall in Shivaji Nagar is 50 minutes away from Bangalore Airport and 20 minutes from the railway station. That’s why, even if your guests are coming from other towns, they can easily reach the location. Islami Baitul Mahal utilises an indoor hall space to accommodate 120 to 200 people easily. You can celebrate midsize ceremonies here and arrange a dining area separately. You also get a complimentary room for the bride to get done with her finishing touches. 2 to 4 rooms are available for guests to stay and get ready for the event.
An in-house team of skilled professionals take care of all your requirements. Right from decoration to catering, everything will be managed with a smile on their faces. Outsourcing the services is also allowed here to suit your comfort. Connect with the vendor directly for the final price of Islami Baitul Mahal.
This wedding venue is beautiful and peaceful. Check out the Islami Baitul Mahal photos for a better understanding.
Celebrate Your D-day at Islami Baitul Mahal, Bangalore
Searching for a decent and budgeted wedding venue in Bangalore? This wedding hall is a great choice. You can reserve it for pre-nuptial events like engagement parties, mehndi and sangeet ceremonies, haldi ceremonies, and cultural and religious ceremonies.
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