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Marian Rose - Party Hall & Catering Service
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Marian Rose is a popular wedding venue in Bangalore for small to mid-sized weddings. They are centrally located and have multiple amenities for hosting weddings and comfortably dining afterward. Their well-lit and all-white interiors are a perfect canvas for versatile decor and give a classy vibe for your big day!
Best Suited For:- Marian Rose is an affordable banquet hall in Bangalore that is ideal for small to mid-size gatherings like pre-wedding ceremonies, intimate weddings, ring ceremonies, receptions, bridal showers, baby showers, and birthday parties.
Amenities:- Marian Rose is a modern wedding venue in Bangalore that provides facilities like a lift, electricity, power backup, furniture as well as sound, and music license, and guest accommodation.
Venue Policies
- Homam and fire poojas are allowed
- Plantain leaf services are allowed
- Vegetarian and non-vegetarian meal options are available
Types Of Venues in Bengaluru
Destination Wedding Venues
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