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Poornima Mahal
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Poornima Mahal, a timeless gem among wedding venues in Bangalore, embraces tradition and charm. Located in a prime area, it exudes a sense of grandeur and heritage, making it perfect for couples who appreciate classic aesthetics. The Mahal's ornate architecture, exquisite interiors, and attention to detail create an enchanting atmosphere for your wedding celebration. Poornima Mahal is committed to preserving the cultural essence of weddings while ensuring modern comforts and conveniences. It is a place where your love story can unfold against a backdrop of elegance and tradition, leaving lasting memories for you and your guests.
Best Suited For- Poornima Mahal is best suited for Sangeet, Mehandi, Wedding Anniversary, Bachelor Party, Get-Together, Kitty Party, Engagement, Wedding, Reception, Baby Shower, Birthday Party
Amenities:- Parking, In-house Decor, Power Backup, Changing room, Complimentary guest room
Venue Policies (if any)
No Music allowed late
No Baarat allowed
No overnight weddings allowed
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