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Surya Garden and Farms
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Surya Garden and Farms in Bankoli Village, Delhi
Welcome to Surya Garden and Farms in Bakoli Village, Delhi – where dreams blossom and love takes root. Assemble your guest circle for a grand celebration at Surya Garden and Farms. With spacious elegance, we invite you to host a larger occasion filled with joy and unforgettable memories. The venue is close to Palla Bakhtawarpur Road, which makes it easy for guests to access the location. Take a visual journey of Surya Garden and Farm's photo album. The venue is flexible with overnight timings depending on your functions. The verdant lawn is very spacious to celebrate your big day. Select Surya Garden and Farms in Delhi for an adequately priced celebration, delivering on both value and style. The venue is an outdoor space lawn and can accommodate between 1000-1500 guest capacity, possibly for hosting large gatherings.
Craft your Love Stories in the Heart Blissful Sanctuary at Surya Garden and Farms, in Delhi
This wedding venue in Delhi is a prime location to celebrate weddings, anniversaries, engagements, Receptions and many other events. The wedding venue consists of 3 stay rooms and a luxurious VIP lounge that can be used for out-of-town guests. The venue is an ideal place to host your special events and have a great experience in this open-lawn venue.
Other facilities offered by the venue:
- Parking is available for 400 vehicles with valet service
- In-house caterers and decorators are available
- can opt from external food and decor vendors
- Veg and Non-veg with multi-cuisines
- Alcohol served at the venue
- Cultural and religious celebrations allowed
The management is always eager to provide the best services to the guests. If you are eager to reserve the wedding venue, give us a call or drop a message, and we will get back to you soon to discuss further details.
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